BackpackU originated as a budget travel resource- how to travel the world on a ‘Backpacker’s Budget’. While that is still a large portion of the site, the site itself has evolved to have more of a focus on ‘Adventure Travel’, with a strong emphasis on the idea of ‘Finding the Adventure’. As the site continues to grow and develop, expect not only travel-related posts- destination guides, travel blogs, recommendations and tips, etc.- but also more posts about what it means to actually ‘Find the Adventure’- not only in those adrenaline-filled experiences half-way around the world, but also in the day-in/day-out, the here-and-now- how to Find the Adventure that exists in your everyday life… I believe that LIFE itself is an Adventure, and is meant to be LIVED- every day. My hope is that the content on this site will help YOU live your life more fully. Every. Day.
How to use this site:
Looking to get started- or, better yet- already find yourself planning a trip? There are HEAPS of information in the Destination Guides. How to get there, what to do, Insider Tips, etc.- all personally scouted by yours truly…
On the fence about planning a trip, or wondering if ‘Backpacking’, Adventure Travel, or travel in general is for you? Take a look at the original BPU Courses- they’re sure to provide some insight and direction as you work through the process.
Want to read some funny stories and/or pick up a travel tip or two along the way? Check out the Field Notes section- it’s kind of a blog, organized by region, etc.
Have a specific question or comment? Hit me up in the Comments section, or drop me a message via the Contact Page- I’ll get back with you as quickly as possible.
Speaking of comments, I’m a stickler for all things editing-related, and a bit OCD when it comes to the ease of use/navigation of this site- if you have suggestions on how I can improve the site and/or make it more user-friendly, I’m all ears… Again, just use the Contact Page. Thanks- I always appreciate the input!
And on that note- Get informed. Get encouraged. Get excited.
Most importantly- GET OUT THERE!!!
The world is waiting…