So, you might be asking a few questions here- questions ranging from ‘What, exactly, IS ‘Backpacking?’’, ‘What do I need to consider before planning a backpacking trip?’, ‘What does the ‘Backpacker’s Life’ really look like?’, to ‘What kind of backpack should I get?’, ‘How do I pack?’, and ‘Where should I go?’. Well, lucky for you, after several years spent traveling 'The Backpacker's Trail', I'm an expert when it comes to the ins-and-outs of backpacking. How to plan, what to pack, where to go, and how to get there- I can help get you sorted...
If you’re intrigued by the idea of traveling the world, but are having trouble knowing where to start- grab a pencil, get your notebook, pull up a chair, and get ready-
It’s time to go to school...
BackpackU 101 - An Introduction to Backpacking