Journey Category: Australia


‘WHALE SHARK!!!!’ After hours of hopeful waiting, the shout finally came down from the spotter perched high atop the boat’s upper deck. The search planes overhead had identified a massive shadow moving swiftly through the swirl and the chop of the Ningaloo Reef Marine Park, and the boat was quickly moving into position. We grabbed…
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The ‘Best Jobs in the World’ Competition

From April-June 2013, Tourism Australia held another round of its famous ‘Best Job in the World’ competition- this time, there were 6 tourism-related ‘Dream Jobs’ spread across Australia up for grabs. So, did I get involved? Ummmm- OF COURSE! An opportunity to spend 6 months promoting the country I call my ‘home away from home’,…
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A Day on the Links in Apollo Bay

One of the towns Cory and I stopped off in while traveling along the Great Ocean Road was that of Apollo Bay- a small fishing village right on the coast. We stayed there for a few days- caught up with some friends, took a fishing charter, relaxed in the INCREDIBLY nice hostel we were staying…
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A damp day in Cradle Valley

Any visit to The Land Down Under Down-Under (Also known as Tasmania) mandates a visit to the iconic Cradle Valley. Located in the in the central-western part of the island state, Cradle Valley is THE signature landmark among the innumerable other natural wonders Tasmania somehow squeezes within its shores. Packed with hiking trails, spotted with…
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The Coogee-to-Bondi Coastal Walk

The Coogee-to-Bondi Coastal Walk is simply a MUST DO when visiting Sydney. High bluffs rising vertically above the pounding surf, salty sea spray and majestic seagulls riding on the warm breeze, beautiful beaches, tidal swimming pools, and the endless expanse of blue that is the Pacific Ocean spreading to the eastern horizon- it is more…
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A trip to the Blue Mountains

After we had settled into our new pad in Bondi and gotten accustomed to our work schedules, Cory and I planned a quick trip up to the Blue Mountains- a short 2-hour train ride west out of Sydney. We wanted to get outside to do some hiking and some mountain biking, and the little mountain…
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Men at Work

After finding a flat and getting settled into our new digs in Bondi, it was time to find a job. We drew from our experience in Queenstown, and applied some of the lessons that we had learned through that experience. First off, we decided that it wasn’t the best idea to go around looking for…
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Finding a flat in Bondi

After our Asian Adventure wrapped up, Cory, Federico, and I made a pact to re-unite in Sydney for a summer on the beach in Australia. After Nepal, I was headed back to the States for my sister’s wedding, Cory was off to do the SE Asian Circuit he had missed out on, and Federico had…
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