The 18 Finalists for The Best Jobs in the WORLD
CRIKEY!!!! I've made it to the FINAL ROUND of Tourism Australia's 'Best Jobs in the World' competition!!!
It has been a CRAZY 3 weeks since the Shortlist was announced- non-stop campaigns, long nights editing videos, raising HEAPS of money for the Australian Koala Foundation... what an experience!
The next round of the competition will be held IN Australia, so I'll be headed back DownUnder in the next few weeks... Obviously, I am EXTREMELY excited, and can't WAIT to get back to my 'Home away from home.'
A MASSIVE 'THANK YOU' to EVERYONE that has backed my campaign in one way or another- NONE of this would've been possible without your help and support. You ALL are LEGENDS!!!
Ok, I've got to get moving- Yoda's already got his bags packed, and keeps asking when we're leaving for the airport...
Thanks again, EVERYONE! I cannot WAIT to see what happens next...
Stay tuned!
Have a great time at the GRAND FINAL, mate!