My name is Nick, and I have a passion for travel and adventure. To me, traveling is much more than just ‘sightseeing’- it’s meeting new people and learning about how they see the world; it’s exploring new places, hanging with the locals, and experiencing different cultures; it’s trying new things and pursuing adventures unique to those places I visit; it’s stretching myself, getting out of my comfort zone, and challenging my preconceived notions about the people and places I come across while exploring the world. In other words- I see traveling as an experience itself, and love the challenges and rewards that come along with the adventure and experience of traveling.
I also love ‘talking travel’. Through my adventures around the world, I've developed a passion for sharing my experiences with others, as well as a knack for educating, encouraging, and empowering fellow travelers, explorers, and adventurers to GET OUT THERE, explore, see the world- FIND THE ADVENTURE.
All too often I hear people say ‘I wish I could…’, and truthfully, that inspires me to do what I do, because the honest answer is- you CAN. That is what BackpackU is all about- to help show you how you CAN travel the world, explore the unknown, find the adventure… Life isn’t meant to be a monotonous progression of cookie-cutter days, one after the next, all adding up to nothing in the end. NO! Life is meant to be LIVED, and getting out of your comfort zone is a great place to start…

Hangin' with the locals at Machu Picchu
Through countless conversations, I've realized that the most common question people have is ‘How? HOW do I do this?’; ‘How do I ‘find the adventure’?’ Whether it’s here on the website, in an email, on the phone, or in face-to-face conversations, I strive to provide practical, in-depth, 'how-to' insight into how you can pursue your dreams of travel, get out of your comfort zone, and find the Adventure in your life, one step at a time…
In truth, BackpackU is designed for those brave individuals who are interested in actually EXPERIENCING the world as opposed to merely ‘existing' in it. The risk-takers, the adventurers, the explorers- those who desire to bust out of the mold, break free from the 'norm', and actually LIVE their lives. Amazing experiences, incredible people, life-long memories, and life-changing moments await… I created BackpackU to help you get there.

Finding the Adventure on Fraser Island- Queensland, Australia
Bottom line- I love to travel, and I live for adventure. My experiences have shaped me into the person I am, and I can't imagine being anyone else. I’ve been fortunate to discover that encouraging and empowering others to get out there and experience the world is what makes me tick. For me, there is nothing better than someone saying ‘Thanks for the travel tip!’, ‘Thanks for pushing me to get out of my comfort zone…’, ‘Thanks for helping me figure out how to find the adventure…’ Those are the moments I live for...
Conversely, there’s nothing worse than having to live with the regret of ‘What if?’ ‘What if I had gone?’ ’What if I had taken that step?’ ‘What if I had gotten outside of my comfort zone and actually LIVED my life?’ No thanks- that’s not for me. Life is too short, the world is too big, there are too many awesome adventures, too many amazing people, too many incredible experiences to be had and too many lives to be LIVED to just let the days go by… I want to LIVE my life- no regrets, no ‘what if’s’- and I want YOU to as well…
THAT is what BackpackU is all about.
You can do it. Get out of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself. LIVE your life.
The world is waiting.

Taking in the view from high on Volcan Villarrica- Pucón, Chile